Free Support Groups Supporting Caregivers at Town Center off University Parkway

Town Square Center located off of University Parkway and Lockwood Ridge, prides itself in supporting caregivers of seniors living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and MS disease. This is done by offering resources such as respite care, counseling, support groups, health assessments, and educational classes to help caregivers manage stress, understand the disease, build support, and manage emotions. Furthermore, caregivers should be encouraged to prioritize their own health and take breaks when needed, as burnout is a common risk for caregivers of individuals with different progressive diseases. By providing emotional, social, and practical support, caregivers can be empowered to continue providing high-quality care for their loved ones while maintaining their own physical and emotional well-being. Visit Town Square University Parkway’s event calendar to learn about FREE Support Groups and Educational classes now CLICK HERE